Nom De Guerre: Soldat Inconnu 1990                                    DISCLAIMER: This ‘Work’ has no-author and is not-written as a post-creative, aim-less exercise in a state of  ‘no-minded’ non-thinking-doing involving a condition of action-less action, effort-less effort and doing-less doing in a ’no-mindness’ state of will-less willing, intent-less intent and mind-less mindfulness bearing no-trace , …

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Man is a being in search of meaning.Plato A taste of every sort of knowledge is necessary to form the mind and is the only way to give the understanding its due improvement to the full extent of its capacity.John Locke, American Philosopher In all things there is a comprehensive …

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When one is willing and eager, the gods join in. Aeschylus  Nothing is easy to the unwilling. Nikki Giovanni To be willing is to be able. French Proverb Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great. Niccolo Machiavelli    It’s so hard when I have to, and so easy when …

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The 20th Century World-Sickness

…Pursuant to the good Pope Francis’ ground-breaking Encyclical… THE 20TH CENTURY WORLD-SICKNESSTHE COMING ENVIRONMENTAL CATACLASM Note: The (interpolations in Coloured Italic Script in Brackets) within the Body of the Original Quotes in Bold – Intuitively Revisited & Reinvested with Comments — are the Personal Subjective Thoughts, Opinions and Utterances of …

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Dare to Err

When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure.Rudolf Bahro, Socio-Ecologist Stand upright, speak thy thoughts, declare The truth thou hast, that all may share; Be bold, proclaim it everywhere: They only live who …

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(From da Net) Unusually for Papal teaching, this encyclical is not just addressed to Roman Catholics but to everyone on Earth“every person living on this planet,” calling on all humans to help save the planet that the Pope says we are in danger of destroying. Pope Francis blames ‘human selfishness‘ for global warming …

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Power of Self-Control


Extract: DHARMA OF NO-mIND CIRCULATED IN THE HUMBLE-HEARTED, OPEN-MINDED, JOYOUS-SPIRITED ADVENTURE OF KNOWLEDGE-SHARING THAT …ALL SENTIENT BEINGS MAY AWAKEN & WORLD PEACE MAY REIGN [Note: The (Interpolations in Coloured Italic Script in Brackets) within the Body of the Original Quotes in Bold – Intuitively Revisited & Reinvested with Comments — are the Personal Subjective Thoughts, Opinions and Utterances of …

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Extract: DHARMA OF NO-mIND  CIRCULATED IN THE HUMBLE-HEARTED, OPEN-MINDED, JOYOUS-SPIRITED ADVENTURE OF KNOWLEDGE-SHARING THAT …ALL SENTIENT BEINGS MAY AWAKEN & WORLD PEACE MAY REIGN [Note: The (Interpolations in Italic Script in Brackets) within the Body of the Original Quotes in Bold – Intuitively Revisited & Reinvested with Comments — are the Personal Subjective Thoughts, Opinions and Utterances of the …

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two selves

Extract: DHARMA OF NO-mIND CIRCULATED IN THE HUMBLE-HEARTED, OPEN-MINDED, JOYOUS-SPIRITED ADVENTURE OF KNOWLEDGE-SHARING THAT …ALL SENTIENT BEINGS MAY AWAKEN & WORLD PEACE MAY REIGN [Note: The (Interpolations in Coloured Italic Script in Brackets) within the Body of the Original Quotes in Bold – Intuitively Revisited & Reinvested with Comments — are the Personal Subjective Thoughts, Opinions and Utterances of …

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Change Self To Change World


CHANGE SELF TO  CHANGE WORLD Extract: DHARMA OF NO-mIND CIRCULATED IN THE HUMBLE-HEARTED, OPEN-MINDED, JOYOUS-SPIRITED ADVENTURE OF KNOWLEDGE-SHARING THAT …ALL SENTIENT BEINGS MAY AWAKEN &WORLD PEACE MAY REIGN [Note: The (Interpolations in Coloured Italic Script in Brackets) within the Body of the Original Quotes in Bold – Intuitively Revisited & Reinvested with Comments — are the Personal Subjective Thoughts, Opinions …

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